Sunday, January 23, 2011

Workshops for you and a friend to take control of weight loss and where more is less with a friend.

Health and Wellness anyone?  What does health and wellness mean to you?  When I feel good from the inside out, I feel health and wellness.  The universal love is here for all of us to reach up and grab the golden ring.  Join me starting March 8th for “A Course in Weight Loss” visit me on the web or email me to sign up today event  IW030811.

Remember asking a friend lets both of you split half of the 21 Club's course tuition of $99!  Treat a friend and yourself to  8 weeks of positive group weight loss interaction.   Build off each others successes and transform your behavior using proven life skill tools found in top referenced author Marianne Williamson's book used in the new course I have designed.  See you there.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Stay on course through my book study group-based on Marianne Williamson book, "A Course in Weight Loss."

What is one thing you wish to accomplish this new year?  If you were to take one thing to work on, what would it be?  Most people think of money, career, health issues, and relationships.  Why not work on a life of Joy?  Focus on being in your Joy by doing things, thinking things, and lining up with yourself.  For example, when I think thoughts that feel good to me, I feel good.  So if I focus only on things that make me feel good, I could ultimately create a life of happiness.  Stay on course through my book study group. “A Course in Weight Loss” by Marianne Williamson.  Sign up today email me for details or check out the event calendar at Lifestyle-specialist.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Visualize what it is that you want and live life on purpose and with purpose.

Visualize what it is that you want and really think about it in your mind.  Holding that thought for 17 seconds.  Do it again, and again, until you feel it in every fiber.  When you are aligned with your thought through how you feel, then energetically, it has to happen.  It is the Law of Attraction in action.  You are living life on purpose and with a purpose.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Can life get any better? Two things that insure success are appreciation and...

Use your mind to improve your standing.  Happiness coaching is focusing on the things that bring you joy.  Do you create happy thoughts in your mind?  Or do you think negative thoughts that bring you down?  Joy filled thoughts are much better than morbid thoughts for example.  Your mind is the ultimate tool for you to use to generate things you desire, such as happiness, money career, etc. Let your mind appreciate all that matters to you-and stay focused on the positive.

Manifest the life you desire, it is easy, find things to appreciate and keeping your focus there to generate positive energy.  Use my free mini tool kit to stay focused in the new year.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Friends make weight loss possible-21 reasons to buddy up in January.

The 21 club is forming now.  I invite you to join now and save half off your price of $99 by bringing a friend.  So for only $44.50 you will get 8 weeks of coaching around the new weight loss book by Marianne Williamson, "A course in weight loss."  The class starts the last week of January 2011.  Perfect for anyone struggling to stay on track for letting go of excess weight or anything not serving you in your highest good.  Email me for location details and availability.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Exercise. Now that I've LOST your attention, lets decuss how the mind follows body.

How many of you exercise on a daily basis or on a regular basis?  I find that when I move my body my mind follows suit.  Moving the muscle groups, taking a walk or anything physical gets those good endorphins moving to our sleepy brains.  I know when I exercise I feel better.  For me that’s the biggest motivator, knowing I will feel better all day and be more productive as well.  What does it for you?  To me it all about how I feel and how I look is a by-product of the actions I take.

Low tech walking or high tech kinetics with actions games-your pick- So start self care by moving the body and the mind will follow. Really really it does, try it and see what happens, you will feel good!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Marianne Williamson weight loss book -my thoughts exposed in group sessions.

I’m very excited about all the new courses I have designed for this up coming year.  We have something for all  of you struggling to keep weight off or have chosen to focus on weight issues with a New Year’s resolution.  Why not join the new course on weight loss, it uses 21 spiritual lessons to keep it off forever. 

Marianne Williamson has just released a new book to support  weight loss, keeping it off and how to replace food with love.  We will cover all 21 lessons, have personalized support and a new perspective of how important self care is to our every day lives.  You are not alone in this.  Give yourself the gift of love and kindness by reaching out to this group. It is not only affordable but perhaps it can move you to a different space.  One of motivation, less resistance, and a more vibrant outlook on life,.  This course is a great step to help you enjoy life, to be “on” during this creative life journey.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year wish for you!

May the New Year bring you all that you desire. 

Give and take as evenly as you can in all areas of your life.  Start the New Year with visualizing who you want to become.  Make list and use my mini tool kit- your gift to start off with goals and focus tools to make your life what you envision.