Friday, July 29, 2011

Visual is the new black.

Visualize what feels good:  If you can think it and see it you can create it.  Visualization is key to creating happiness.  Tell a happy story. Meditation. Write in a journal, on a vision board, have a dedicated vision journal. Your mind is powerful when it see's pictures.   Making a list of 300 things you want will bring you joy and 300 things.

Inspiration versus desperation:  Where are you coming from?  Is anger and depression coming from inspiration and clarity? No. Inspiration is easy and authentic.  Get grounded, centered and know what is best for you.  Inspiration creates an ease and people just show up to help. Breathe.

Allow time to work for you:  In putting all this out to the universe now let the universe do its job. Another way to say it is- let go! Step one ask, step two it’s a done deal and three allow it.

Trust in yourself, "To Thine own self be true.”   When you are clear about your intentions and what it is you really want then trust yourself to know what is best for you and the best way to get there.   Guidance from a structured platform like consistent meditation, looking at your vision board, sessions with your Life Coach;-) as well as the knowledge that you feel -trusting your mind's eye.     As a child it meant swimming in those northern Minnesota lakes.  Now there is a refresher for you, to jump in a spring fed lake in early July. Brings a smile to my face.  What brings a smile to your face?  Write it down, visualize and make it happen for YOU.

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